Aktuelles am RWG Neuwied

Englisch (3)

Have art and poetry become obsolete?

artIm Rahmen der Behandlung der Lektüre "Never let me go" (Ishiguro) sollten die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Englischleistungskurses von Frau Cholewa ein comment verfassen. Anbei ein wirklich lesenswerter Text von Hewin Alo:

Miley Cirus, Timothee Chalament, James Corden, and Gordon Ramsay. All of these names must at least seem familiar to the majority of people nowadays. They belong to some of the many stars of our digital age. The people that have managed to gain relevance in our everyday lives through our digital devices and have thereby made a name for themselves. TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube, apps that are just as well-known as these people and take up even more of our free time, have also become increasingly relevant in most people’s daily lives and routines. But what if I ask you about Salvador Dali, Henri Matisse, or Pablo Neruda? Do any of these names ring a bell? Or do you even know who these people are? The answer for most would probably have to be “no”. The reason for that being that these individuals are some of the biggest artists in human history. Artists that have created some of the most influential paintings and poems of their time. Artists that are slowly being forgotten about. Some would even go as far as saying that our interest regarding the virtual world is increasing rapidly, while our appreciation for art is as it seems therefore decreasing. But are these two changes truly taking place in our current time, do they actually stand in direct contact with one another and can we even go as far as supporting the statement “Art and poetry have become obsolete in our digital age“?

As far as I’m concerned, I have to admit that it seems like this statement was made by someone who has a very limited understanding of art. Someone that has not necessarily grasped the true meaning of it yet.
Because art is not only defined by paintings being drawn on a canvas and admirers of art are not only people that visit art galleries and hang up expensive paintings in their living room. Art is everywhere in our lives. We can find it in dancing, singing, videography, photography, literature, sports and so much more. Art is a child decorating a gingerbread house to his or her liking. It is a designer sewing a beautiful, unique dress or a photographer taking an amazing picture.
It is simply the expression of human creativity, regardless of the form. So, no matter how much our society progresses over time, how much we change, evolve, and develop, as long as the human brain does not lose its creativity, it is simply impossible for art to become irrelevant or outdated. Certain developments may have an impact on the way we perceive or create art, but they can never replace it.

As for the way digital devices have influenced art, I would say that they have opened new possibilities for us to express ourselves and made other people’s creations more accessible for everyone around the world, thereby creating even more new artists. So, in contrast to the statement above, I strongly believe that digital devices have actually supported the arts and that they have made them even more prominent in our society by shifting many people’s foci on them.
As an example, it is very well known that especially teenagers like to spend most of their time on social media and while many disapprove of apps like Instagram and TikTok, these sites actually do have a very valuable aspect. Social media basically gives people the opportunity to present their art to the entire world. Not only does it gain more recognition and reach more people that way, but it also influences others by inspiring them into making use of their creativity as well. By posting a video of yourself dancing or a picture of a beautiful landscape, others might feel touched or motivated to try out similar things. That way new artists are being created almost every minute and people start to value the arts more.

People can also post their paintings and even painting tutorials to teach others how to create art. In this sense, even the traditional form of art which was mentioned in the beginning is being supported through digital devices. The same is true for singing, dancing, photography, and any other form of art. There are millions of videos on the internet by which artists can learn from other artists. People thereby feel supported and motivated in their creative pursuits, which makes them even more interested in arts. It is a beautiful community, that would not be able to exist that way without our digital devices.

Additionally, I would like to elaborate a bit further on new art forms, that have actually been created through digital devices. As mentioned before, we have dancing, drawing, literature, and singing, which have always been very prominent in our world and a well-known way of expressing yourself through art. For painting, we of course now have the possibility of digital art, which is very popular and also beneficial as it is much applied in marketing and business. However, nowadays more and more people are especially becoming interested in photography and videography, a form of art that can only exist through digital devices. People can express their thoughts and feelings or achieve a certain impact on their audience by creating different atmospheres in their work. Videography is especially unique here as it is one of the few art forms, that allows people to stimulate a variety of our senses all at once, thereby creating a peerless impression on each individual.

When it comes to poetry I, however, have to admit, that compared to the past, where well-known poets like Shakespeare or Goethe would be praised everywhere and their poems could be quoted by almost everyone, people now do not seem to care about poetry anymore. I believe that the core problem here is that poems are not exciting enough for us. And this might have to do with our digital devices and especially the way that they connect us to so many new experiences every day. Humans want things to be exciting while also not taking up too much of their energy. That’s also why more people prefer watching a movie rather than reading a book. Reading poems that now even require us to interpret them until we truly get any meaning out of them seems rather boring in comparison to that. And with humans growing increasingly lazy over time this once again makes poems just seem very unattractive to us. Of course, poetry is more accessible for everyone now that we have google, but because of the way our mind has developed using our digital devices, very few people would make use of this benefit.

From another perspective, music could also be seen as a form of poetry as the lyrics to a song seem similar to a traditional poem. In that sense, we could say that once again digital devices are supporting the arts here, as music has become an insanely important aspect in many people’s daily lives because of their phones, headphones, music boxes, and so on.

After taking all these aspects into account, I believe that it is safe to say that our digital devices have mainly managed to support and widen our sense of art. More people are being motivated to put their creativity to use while also appreciating other people’s work. That way new artists and admirers of art are being created every day, which proves the statement from above to be wrong. Only the aspect regarding the loss of interest in poems is a legitimate concern, though other forms of poetry are still being heavily supported. Overall, I would therefore say that the arts are mainly benefiting from the digital age instead of them losing their relevance because of it.


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Über den Tellerrand

ZusammenDie Klasse 9d hat sich im Englischunterricht mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Menschen, die verschiedene Sprachen sprechen, verschiedene kulturelle Hintergründe haben und aus verschiedenen Ländern kommen, zusammengebracht werden können.

Sie haben die Organisation „Über den Tellerrand“ kennengelernt und herausgefunden, was diese Organisation macht, um Menschen zu verbinden. Eine große Rolle spielen hier Kochkurse. Es wird jedoch nicht nur zusammen gekocht und gegessen, sondern auch Musik gehört und selbst gespielt und natürlich getanzt.

Unter dem Motto “Always cook on the bright side of life“ verbringen die Menschen aus Berlin und aus vielen verschiedenen Kulturen Zeit miteinander und lernen sich kennen. Es werden aber auch Fußballspiele und Sprachtandems organisiert. Hierbei bildet die englische Sprache eine Schlüsselrolle, da viele Flüchtlinge neben ihrer Muttersprache auch Englisch sprechen.

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 9d haben in einem eigenen Projekt vorgestellt, wie Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammengebracht werden können.
Einige Projekte werden am Schuleingang (Blauer Eingang) ausgestellt.

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Letters to Noah

screenEin Beispiel dafür, wie das Medium Film gewinnbringend in den Englischunterricht eingebaut werden kann, zeigt Dorothea Waxler mit ihrer Unterrichtseinheit zu dem kanadischen Kurzfilm "Noah" im Englischunterricht der Klasse 9d.

Das in der Originalfassung 17-minütige Drama "Noah" entstand als Projekt von zwei Ryerson University Filmstudenten und wurde auf dem Toronto International Film Festival als "Best Canadian Short Film" ausgezeichnet.

Das Besondere an dem Kurzfilm ist, dass er ausschließlich den Computer-Bildschirm eines Teenagers und seinen iPhone-Bildschirm zeigt. Die Haupfigur Noah, ein kanadischer Schüler im Abschlussjahr, beendet die Beziehung zu seiner Freundin Amy einzig und allein aufgrund von Missverständnissen, die durch die Online-Kommunikation mit ihr entstehen.

Die Schüler der Klasse 9d hatten den Auftrag, aus der Perspektive der Figur Noah einen Brief an Amy zu schreiben, in dem er ihr seine Gefühle erklärt. Die Schülerinnen der Klasse hatten wiederum die Aufgabe, einen ebensolchen Brief aus der Sicht von Amy an Noah zu verfassen.

"It is difficult enough to explain your feelings in your own language", erklärt Dorothea Waxler, "so read some of the letters my students wrote and see how class 9d managed to do it in English."

Eine besonders gelungene Hausaufgabe von Abigel György möchten wir hier veröffentlichen, da die Bearbeitung nicht nur einen Brief, sondern auch sehr gefühlvolle Tagebucheinträge enthält.

"It will fill your eyes with tears", kommentiert Frau Waxler die nachfolgende Ausarbeitung von Abigel, "there is always a way to forgive. Give love a chance!"


Dear Noah,
I wanted to talk to you way sooner, but my Facebook account got hacked so I didn’t want to use that website to write to you and a short SMS wouldn’t have been personal. That’s why I’m writing a letter to you.
I am very sorry for how things ended and I really wish I could tell you everything I am about to say in person.
Before I tell you everything I want to thank you for the amazing time we had together. You could make me happy so easily and change my mood from bad to good. Sometimes you knew me even better than I did myself.
Sadly, I realized some time ago that we don’t have the same conversations and connection we used to have. At first I thought maybe it’s just a phase and everything will go back to normal again, but that didn’t happen and that made me very sad, especially because I thought I was the problem.
I admit that I ended our last phone call on purpose. I saw that you were very disinterested in the things that I had to say and it just didn’t feel right to me to break up with you like that. I also need you to know that the big distance which is going to be between us, is or, well, was really bothering me. For both of us of our love language is physical touch and that just wouldn’t have worked out the way we maybe thought at the beginning.
Another thing I must admit is that I’ve been texting with someone else. I met him at a party where a friend of mine introduced us to each other and I found out that he goes to the same college that I will go to. At first we were just friends; then we became good friends and now I am developing feelings for him and even if I wanted to, I can’t stop those.
You deserve so much better, Noah and I hope you can find someone who can make you happier than I did, someone who loves you with their full heart and someone who you can think about having a future with.
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

Amy’s diary entry one week after she wrote a letter to Noah:

Dear diary,
Lately I’ve been very sad. College is starting soon and Noah is the only person I’m thinking about. I wish I could tell him the actual reason why I wanted to break up. I never liked Dylan in a romantic way, but I knew Noah well enough to know that he would hack into my face book account. That’s why Dylan and I acted as if we had feelings for each other to make Noah hate me. I don’t think my plan worked. I wanted to save Noah from a heart-break but now I think that is exactly what happened. Even if the thought of him finding a new girlfriend breaks my heart, I hope he did. I regret writing the letter. He deserves to know the truth and not some made-up lie. Our relationship didn’t get worse, our conversations are the same as before. I don’t mind the distance or that there are times when he doesn’t listen fully. I don’t do that all the time either. He deserves to know that my health is getting worse. He deserves to know that the reason why we broke up is because I have cancer and I don’t want him to see me suffer. I’ve already lost weight, my hair is falling out and I have become very weak. My doctors don’t know if I’ll make it to the end of college. Noah deserves to know that the reason I didn’t want him to see me in person, or me meeting him, is because I don’t want him to see me like this. Now he probably thinks Dylan is the reason why we broke up. I need Noah by my side if I want to get through this. My decision was the wrong one but now I can’t change it, or can I?
One week after Amy’s last diary entry
It’s been a week since my last diary entry, a lot has changed since. I got the courage to text Noah after he didn’t answer my letter, which I didn’t expect anyway. I texted him that I didn’t tell him the truth in the letter and that it’s really important for me to talk to him in person. At first he didn’t answer me and left my messages unread for what felt like forever, but actually were only a few hours. After I clarified how important it was to me he finally answered. It took a lot to convince him to meet up with me, but I managed to do it. We decided to meet up at a park near both of our homes. I was very nervous and also kind of scared to meet him. He hadn’t seen me in person for a very long time and I really don’t look the best right now. The fact that I had to tell him everything made my stomach turn and made me feel like throwing up, but I couldn’t end our relationship end like this. The time we had together was too good to just throw it away like that and he deserves to know the truth. That’s what I kept telling myself. We were supposed to meet up yesterday. I couldn’t sleep all night, thinking about what I am going to tell him and how I’m going to explain everything. In the morning I got up very early to get ready and have breakfast. After breakfast my best friend came to help me choose an outfit and calm my nerves the best she could. I must say, yesterday I looked quite good considering what state I’m in. On the way to the park, where we were supposed to meet, I was thinking about if Noah was going to look shocked or what his reaction would be in general to my appearance. As I got closer to the park I started playing with my rings and necklace, trying to calm my upcoming nerves. I was finally able to see the park and started walking a bit faster, excited to finally see Noah after such a long time. And then I saw him. I was so happy. He was sitting on one of the benches, with someone else. I stopped walking, staring at them. They didn’t see me but I saw them, holding hands. And then he kissed her. That moment my heart shattered into a million pieces. I didn’t expect him to come back to me after everything, but I also didn’t expect him to move on so fast. Tears started to well up in my eyes, threatening to spill. I quickly turned around and walked home as fast as possible. On the way back I was thinking about how stupid I was and that I should let that poor boy live his life and not bother him with my problems. My vision was blurry because of my tears the whole time and I was afraid that they would drip, but before that could happen I was home. Before anyone could ask me how it went I ran up to my room, shut the door and lied down on my bed crying into my pillow. That was yesterday. Noah sent me a few text messages, asking where I was, but I didn’t answer. I have calmed down but tears still well up in my eyes when I think about it. If I had one wish, I would wish for him to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me. In the end there are million other universes where we will end up together. It just breaks my heart that this one isn’t one of them.

Dear diary,
This will probably be my very last entry. I started a new chapter in my life and this is also the last page so I don’t really have space to write any more. My health is a lot better actually and I feel stronger than I ever did before. Even my doctors said that everything is getting better. But let me tell you how I even got here.
As you may remember, the last time we talked about my relationship with Noah, it wasn’t quite the happy ending you usually see in movies. A few days after I saw him at the park I was finally ready to talk to my mum about everything that was going on. She didn’t know anything before. I didn’t want her to know. I didn’t want her to be sad because she really liked Noah, but I really needed advice from her, so I told her everything. Of course she was very shocked at the beginning and I thought she would get mad at me, but she didn’t. She looked at me with the softest eyes and kindest smile I have ever seen. We sat down on the couch with a cup of tea and talked about everything that was going on, about our feelings and thoughts. We came to the conclusion that we can’t change Noah’s feelings towards his girlfriend. I didn’t want that anyway, but I could change his feelings towards me. To be honest, after seeing him with someone else, it kind of helped me get over him. And to let you in to a little secret, that nobody knew at that time, I was actually talking to someone, and no this time it was not to make Noah hate me. Now it was really important to me to talk to Noah, but the fact that I stood him up last time wouldn’t make things easy for me. Thank god my mum is friends with his mother. I begged my mother to talk to his mom and help me. But it didn’t work. After all it’s my relationship with Noah. And I shouldn’t involve our parents. There was only one thing that I could do, show up at his house. I mean he couldn’t just shut the door in my face, right? There wasn’t time for overthinking. If I wanted my life to go on I needed to talk to him. Without telling anyone I got ready and made my way to his house. The walk was quite long and then of course it started to rain. While I was distracted I slipped and fell into the mud. Why does shit like this always happen to me?! My jeans were ruined and my once white shoes were definitely not white any more. When I finally got to Noah’s house I didn’t just look like an idiot but I also felt like one. My heart started racing like crazy and my thoughts were going wild. I was thinking about going back until someone opened the door. It was the girl I saw Noah with at the park. She seemed friendly. She probably knew who I was, considering the look on her face. I started explaining everything to her, well the short version. It felt great to get all this off my chest. She listened to me wide-eyed. I’m sure those things weren’t what she expected. Before she could say anything I clarified that I didn’t want a romantic relationship with Noah and that I only wanted him to know the truth so I could also have my fresh start. Her gaze softened. She told me that he was out with some friends but I could wait with her. I could tell she was an amazing woman and a perfect fit for Noah. His parents weren’t home. I wondered if they knew what had happened, so we went straight up to his room. She was so nice; she even gave me some new clothes to change into. While waiting we made some small talk and talked about our hobbies and everyday things. Then Noah arrived. As I expected he didn’t look thrilled to see his ex with his new girlfriend sitting in his room. He also had a look of shock on his face, probably because of my appearance. Veronica, his girlfriend, told him that he should listen to me and sat him down before leaving the room for us to talk in private. At first there was a long awkward silence before I started talking. I first told him about the day I found out I had cancer. I told him about my feelings, how I was scared to die but also to hurt the people around me. He didn’t say a word, he only looked at me with a soft and sad expression and big eyes that were starting to fill with tears. I told him about my plan with Dylan. I told him about my feelings, thoughts, well basically everything. I of course explained to him what happened at the park. He looked so understanding. And at the end I told him that I didn’t have romantic feelings towards him, but I needed him to know the truth so I could finally let everything go. Without saying anything he stood up and hugged me. He told me that he was very sad even heartbroken because of everything that had happened, but that he would love to still be in my life and help me get through this. I did feel sad for making him feel that way but I was also very happy that he still wanted to be part of my life. After the talk I thanked him and his girlfriend for their understanding, changed back into my dirty clothes to be able to give back the other ones and made my way back. At home I went to my mum immediately and told her everything. She was very proud of me for taking this important step in my life.
And that’s how I ended up here, two months into college, sitting in my dorm room with my amazing roommates, best friends, Noah, Veronica and my new boyfriend, Mike. I couldn’t be happier about how things turned out. All the memories that were once full of pain and sadness were replaced by new happy and amazing ones. I guess it’s true what they say: “The night always ends with the sun rising.”


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